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Why do the opportunities associated with a certain sales stage disappear from the “Opportunities” module, but are still clearly visible in my contacts ?

Several reasons can explain this situation. Here are some hypotheses.

A filter is activated:

  1. Click on the “Opportunities” module
  2. Click on “Additional filters”
  3. Click on “Reinitialize filters”

You must request to display more opportunities:

  1. Click on the “Opportunities” module
  2. Click on “Additional filters”
  3. Click on the “Show” filter
  4. Choose the value “500”

(Note that by default, only 100 opportunities are displayed on the screen. This helps the page load faster. To avoid slow loading, only ask to show all opportunities when necessary.)

Your user is restricted:

  1. Click on the “Settings” module
  2. Click on the “Users” sub-module
  3. Click on the appropriate user
  4. Be sure to uncheck the boxes “Limited access in dashboards, tasks and opportunities” and “Limited access by list in dashboards and opportunities”
  5. Click on “Save”

A sales sub-stage has a restriction:

  1. Click on the “Settings” module
  2. Click on the “Labels” sub-module
  3. Click on the arrow to the left of the problematic sales stage to display its sales sub-stages
  4. Click on each pencil icon located to the right of the sales sub-stages
  5. Be sure to uncheck the “Hide in opportunity list” box
  6. Click on “Save”

If the problem persists, please email support@centrix.one.

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