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How do I edit the opportunities’ labels (sales stages) ?


You can change the sales stages’ labels without causing issues with your sync service.

However, take note that, if your CentrixOne account is synced with accounting software, you should not change the sales sub-stage’ labels. Changing or deleting these labels will cause issues that will prevent your sync from working properly.

If your CentrixOne account is not synced with accounting software, it’s okay to change the sales sub-stage’ labels.

  1. Click on the Settings module
  2. Click on the Labels sub-module
  3. In the Opportunities tab, click on the pencil icon located to the right of the label to rename it
  4. OPTIONAL: to create sub-reports at a sales stage, click on the + Add a sub-report button at the bottom of the page


You cannot change the colours associated with sales stages, nor change their percentage of probability.


By default, the more your opportunities progress through the sales stages, the more likely they are to be won. If your process is working in the opposite direction, consider renaming labels in the opposite direction. Therefore, the more your opportunities progress through the sales stages, the less likely they are to be won.

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