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How to determine whether to create a list or a custom field?

Definition of a list

In CentrixOne, a list is simply a collection of contacts and accounts.

When you activate or deactivate a list in the Lists module, this affects the customers visible in the Contacts and Accounts modules.

Usefulness of a list

In CentrixOne, lists are crucial for the Emails, Forms and Automations modules.

Basically, when launching an email campaign, you must select a list of contacts. When designing a contact creation form, you must determine into which list these new contacts will be added. Lastly, when creating an automation, you must determine in which list it will be executed.

Ideally, limit yourself to between 1 and 3 lists. This will make your CentrixOne account easier to manage, understand and configure. You will then reduce the risk of creating duplicate contacts and accounts.

List or custom field

A list is mainly used to group large categories of customers (e.g. prospects, customers, suppliers, etc.).

By separating your prospects from your customers into 2 distinct lists, it’s easier to create a chain of automations impacting only one or the other.

For example, you could configure an automatic response when a new contact is added to the prospect list, but do nothing when a new contact is added to the customer list.

This distribution is practical for creating very advanced sequences of automations or for sending targeted email campaigns to a certain type of customer.

A custom field is used mainly to specify the categories of customers (e.g.: those interested in certain products, financial means, potential services, etc.).

You could, for example, send an email campaign to all prospects interested in buying a pair of sunglasses.

You could also send an email to all customers in the province of Quebec to notify them of a new promotion in their area.

This is the beauty and power of the CentrixOne CRM.


To validate if your configuration will be viable in the long term, exaggerate the situation.

Example: “Should I create a list per real estate project or create a custom field?”

If one day I end up with 500 real estate projects, I’ll have 500 lists. So it would be better to create a custom field. This option is much simpler and more viable.

If I need to archive the customer after x number of years, all I have to do is move them to another list (ex: Archives).

Create a list

If necessary, refer to the following guide: How do I create a list?

Create a custom field

If necessary, refer to the following guide: How do I create a custom field?

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