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How do I change the name of my representatives when my CentrixOne account is synchronized with Acomba ?

In CentrixOne, a representative is actually a user. All Acomba sellers therefore appear as users in CentrixOne. Depending on your plan, these users will be active or inactive. An inactive user can still be assigned to a task or an opportunity.

(Please note that you cannot delete a user synchronized with Acomba. However, you can make them inactive, if necessary.)

To modify the name of a user/representative:

  1. Click on the “Settings” module
  2. Make sure you are in the “Users” subsection, and then click on the name of the representative you wish to rename (for now, you may see an Acomba seller number followed by @ and your CentrixOne account number)
  3. Click on the pencil icon located to the right of the “Username” field
  4. Modify the user’s name
  5. Click on the “Rename” button

(Note that if you modify the name of an active user, they must then use this new username to log into their CentrixOne account.)

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