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Can I create an account directly in CentrixOne, and then synchronize it in Acomba ?


In CentrixOne, you need to create the account directly in the list named Acomba.

Then, the CentrixOne system will generate a customer number that will look like this:

(year, month, day, hour, minutes, seconds, milliseconds)

If necessary, you can modify the customer number in your accounting system. Once the modification is made, the synchronization service will update this value in the record of the applicable account in CentrixOne.

You can also create a contact in another list, and then move it to the list named Acomba.

(Note that in order to modify a primary contact after its creation, your user must have the two-way activity mode in their permissions. Otherwise, you will not be able to modify any information after clicking on the “Save” button.)

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