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How do I import contacts?

Introduction #

In most cases, you’ll need to import contacts into your CentrixOne account. These contacts may come from different sources, such as your email inbox, cell phone, old CRM, accounting system or other software.

Note that if you decide to sync your Acomba or QuickBooks software with CentrixOne, your contacts will automatically be visible in the CRM.

Before importing, you must consolidate your contact lists into a single Excel file and standardize your data format. Take this opportunity to clean up your contacts and import an up-to-date database!

Step # 1: Prepare the Excel file #

Click here to download the pre-formatted Excel template for CentrixOne CRM. Then, copy and paste your data into the template as plain text (keyboard shortcut “CTRL + SHIFT + V” or right mouse button). You’ll soon understand the purpose of the “Custom field” columns in the template.

CentrixOne only allows you to import contacts. However, to import accounts that don’t have contacts, simply add contact information, such as an email address or telephone number—and you’re done! Incidentally, since an email campaign can only be sent to contacts, this tip will be very handy.

Check the configuration of your Excel file:

  1. The file must be saved in .xlsx format using Excel or Google Sheets software (The Numbers software from Apple is not compatible)
  2. Ensure there is only one contact per line
  3. For contacts belonging to the same company, all fields relating to the company (name, street address, etc.) must be written exactly the same way (with no added spaces before or after the information) to avoid creating several separate companies
  4. Each piece of information must be separated in a separate column (first name, last name, street address, city, province, etc.)
  5. No line feeds (except for notes), forced line feeds or tabs
  6. IIt is strongly recommended that your data be standardized (e.g.: Montréal, Montreal, MTL / 514 444-3333, 5144443333, 514-444-3333)
  7. Dates must be in the following format: YYYYMMDD (e.g. 20200709)

Step # 2: Create custom fileds in CRM #

By default, CentrixOne CRM lets you import data into a wide range of basic fields. However, you may need to import additional data that is not part of the default fields. To do this, before importing, follow this guide to create your own custom fields in CentrixOne.

Once the fields have been created in CentrixOne, in your Excel file, rename the “custom field” columns with the name of your fields and make sure to use the correct formatting:

  1. For a Drop-down list field, write the value in exactly the same way as in CRM
  2. For a Multiple-choice field, to add a single value, write the value exactly the same way as in the CRM, and to write two or more values, separate them with two “;” (e.g.: Blue;;Green;;)

Step # 3: Import the data #

  1. Click on the Settings module
  2. Click on the Data import sub-module
  3. Click on Choose a document
  4. Click on Upload file
  5. Select the list where you want to import your data or create a new list
  6. Click on Next step
  7. Check the association of contact fields
  8. Check the association of account fields
  9. Click on Import data
  10. Choose between Use email* or Do not use email
  11. Once the data import is complete, click on Ok

* Important

The “Use email” option helps you avoid duplicates. However, all your contacts must have a separate email address to use it. You can’t use this option if a contact has no email address or two contacts have the same email address.

If this option is used and the contact already exists in your CentrixOne account (but is not part of the list into which you import your data), then the system will create a copy of this contact. When you update the information in this copy, it will also be updated in the original contact.

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