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How to prepare the Excel file and then import the data?

Video tutorial

2 min 39 s

How to import data in CentrixOne?


In the CentrixOne CRM, you can import a list of contacts.

In your Excel file (“.xlsx” format), be sure to separate the information into different columns. The first name and the last name must be separated as well as the civic address, city, province, postal code, country, etc.

If your contacts are associated with companies, it’s very important to ensure that the company name and street address are written exactly the same for each contact associated with that same company. Check that there are no extra spaces before or after the information.

In the event of a discrepancy, no matter how small, the contacts will be created in separate companies. Once created, it is no longer possible to merge them into the same company.

For your Excel file to be compatible, also make sure to add only one contact per line.

To avoid problems during import, check that your Excel file does not contain line breaks (“Enter” key) or tabs.

Take the opportunity to standardize your data in order to simplify your searches in the CRM (ex.: Montreal, Montréal, MTL).

Import template

To help you prepare your Excel file, we invite you to consult the following page to download our template: Excel template for importing data into CentrixOne

Importing a list of accounts

In CentrixOne, it is not yet possible to import a list of contactless accounts. This development is coming.

However, all you need to do is add information into the Contacts section (ex: an email address) in order for the system to authorize the import.

CentrixOne will then import your data while creating a contact per account that will display the information you’ve indicated in the Contacts section.

Moreover, as it is not yet possible to send an email campaign to the addresses indicated in the account files, adding the email addresses in the contact files will be very useful to you.

In addition, since you can view contacts’ email addresses via the account, this solution is therefore very useful.

Importing custom fields

If you want to import information that isn’t part of the basic fields of a contact or an account, you must first create custom fields (profiling fields) in CentrixOne.

If needed, consult the following guide:

Once the fields have been created in the CRM, they’ll be available in the field association process during the import. Also make sure to add the relevant columns into your Excel file beforehand.

Importing data in a multiple-choice custom field

The multiple-choice custom field and all its corresponding values must be created in CentrixOne before the importation of a contact list.

To indicate a single value in the Excel file that will be imported, write the value exactly the same way as you wrote it in the multiple choices custom field that it is related to in CentrixOne.

To write two or more values, add “;” after each term to indicate to the system that you have more than one choice to select for the contact. For example: Blue;;Green;;

Associating values with the right fields

Before moving on to the last step of the import, you must ensure that the system has associated the CentrixOne fields with the correct data columns from your Excel file.

When you begin importing into the CRM, first choose your file, then the list into which to import your data. Next, you’ll need to associate your data.

In the left column, you’ll see all your CentrixOne fields. When the system associates a CRM field with a column in your Excel file, the field label will be black instead of grey in the left section of the interface.

Even though the association may seem correct at first glance, always double check that it is indeed correct.

To do so, click on each field with a black label in the left section to check with which column of your Excel file it has been associated. The associated column appears with a purple box in your file preview to the right of the interface.

To unlink a field, choose the 1st option in the field’s drop-down list, i.e. the “empty” box. Then click again on the field in question to make sure that the purple box has disappeared from the preview on the right.

To map a field to another data column, click the field, then select the correct title from the drop-down list. Then check that the purple box now appears in the right column in the right preview.

It’s important to verify each field in the left column before importing. When you have completed verifying the Contacts section, select the Accounts section in the left column, then also check each of those fields.

When your verification is complete, click the Import data button.

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