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How to manage permissions?

How to give an administrator access? #

An administrator of your CentrixOne account will have access to various advanced features such as creating a user, managing custom fields and configuring permissions.

Only an owner or an administrator can give administrator access to a user.

To do so:

  1. Click on the Settings module
  2. In the Users view, click on the name of the appropriate user
  3. Check the This user has Admin privileges box at the bottom of the right-hand column
  4. Click on Save

How to give permission to export a list of contacts? #

  1. Click on Settings module
  2. Click on User groups and permissions tab
  3. Choose the appropriate role
  4. Click on Contacts section
  5. Check the Read and Write boxes for Export function
  6. Click on Save

How to give permission to export a list of accounts? #

  1. Click on Settings module
  2. Click on User groups and permissions tab
  3. Choose the appropriate role
  4. Click on Accounts section
  5. Check the Read and Write boxes for Export function
  6. Click on Save

How to give permission to reassign an opportunity? #

  1. Click on Settings module
  2. Click on the relevant user to check the role assigned to them
  3. Click the X icon to close the window
  4. Click on the User Groups and Permissions tab
  5. Select the appropriate user group (role)
  6. Click on the Opportunities section
  7. Check the Write box for the Opportunity Reassignment function
  8. Click on Save

How do I manage list access permission? #

To grant access to a list:

  1. Click on the Settings module
  2. Click on the appropriate user
  3. Click on the Access to lists tab
  4. In the left-hand column (All available), check the lists to wich you want to grant access
  5. Click on the Add > button
  6. Click on Save

To withdraw access to a list:

  1. Click on the Settings module
  2. Click on the appropriate user
  3. Click on the Access to lists tab
  4. In the right-hand column (Accessible to user), check the lists to wich you want to withdraw access
  5. Click on the < Remove button
  6. Click on Save

How do I hide a custom field (profiling)? #

To hide the field for all users:

Note that changes are automatically saved.

  1. Click on the Contacts or Accounts module
  2. In the list, click on any name
  3. In the Contact summary or Account summary, click on the Profiling tab
  4. In the Contacts summary or Account summary interface, click on the three small dots near the top right-hand corner
  5. In the drop-down list, click on Manage fields
  6. Click on the eye in front of the appropriate field (green = visible / red = hidden)
  7. Click on the X in the top right-hand corner to go back to the customer card

To hide the field for specific users:

Note that changes will be made the next time the user logs on.

  1. Click on the Settings module
  2. Click on the User roles and permissions
  3. In the drop-down list in the Roles field, select the role in which you wish to hide a profiling field (users belonging to this role will no longer see the field you have hidden)
  4. In the modules list, click on the Contact Profiling or Account Profiling section
  5. Uncheck the View and Edit boxes opposite the field you want to hide
  6. Scroll to the top of the page, then click on Save

How to restrict access to contacts so that representatives only see their assigned contacts? #

It’s important to understand that a representative is a CentrixOne user. Therefore, if the representative has no contacts assigned to his user, he will not see any contacts in your CentrixOne account.

  1. Click on the Settings module
  2. Click on the user to whom you want to restrict access to contacts only
  3. In the right-hand column, uncheck the boxes Access to all accounts and contacts et Possibility to assign to all users
  4. Click on Save

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