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How do I add a new representative ?

For a name to appear in the list of representatives, it must first be present in the list of users of your CentrixOne account. Once added, you will be able to define this user as a representative of a contact or an opportunity.

To add a new representative, there are two options: active or inactive user.

Please note that you will need to purchase a new plan to add an active user. Otherwise, you will be able to add an inactive user, but that user will not be able to log into your CentrixOne account.

In order to add to your plan, you can ask the owner of your CentrixOne account to go to the “Settings” module.

If you would like to add an inactive user, please email your request to support@centrix.one.

(Note: If your CentrixOne account is synchronized with Acomba, you must first have created a salesperson in Acomba to see them appear in the list of representatives in your CentrixOne account.)

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