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How to reset the sync service between CentrixOne and Acomba?

From time to time, the synchronization service linking CentrixOne and Acomba may detect an error and stop working.

Whether you’ve noticed that new customers and/or new invoices are no longer being sent to CentrixOne or you simply noticed an error message when starting the sync, the solution is usually the same.

What types of errors can occur in the sync service? #

Several errors can occur, but the 2 most common errors are:

  1. A contact from Acomba has been deleted from your CentrixOne account.

    (Invoices that were created in Acomba can no longer be sent to CentrixOne because the sync service can no longer find the contact.)
  2. A representative (salesperson) has been deleted from your CentrixOne account..

    (All data associated with them in Acomba can no longer be sent to CentrixOne, because the sync service can no longer find the representative in question.)

How to check if the sync service is working properly?

  1. Go onto the server (or workstation) upon which the Acomba database and the CentrixOne sync service are installed.
  2. Open the service called SyncAcomba_YourCompanyName. There will normally be an icon on the Desktop. However, it is possible that it has been moved into another folder.
  3. Check that the sync service status is Running and that the sync status between the CRM and Acomba is Successfully completed. If not, click on Event viewer for the next step.

When the service is not working properly, how do I get the correct error code? #

Normally, if you notice that new customers or new invoices no longer synchronize in your CentrixOne account, it means that the sync service status is STOPPED.

If necessary, click on the Event viewer to see the error messages.

Here is an example of an error message that appears when something does not exist or was not found in CentrixOne:

  • Erreur de communication avec l’API. 500 Internal Server Error.

When the sync service detects an error, it will simply stop and it will no longer sync data between CentrixOne and Acomba.

This can, among other things, occur when the service detects a mismatch between the two software programs caused by an unexpected deletion of data.

How to repair the sync service?

The 1st step is to try to reset the sync service. It’s the same principle as when you restart a computer. This operation is generally very successful.

  1. Log on as administrator on the server or workstation upon which the Acomba database and the CentrixOne sync service are installed.
  2. Open the sync software called SyncAcomba. There will normally be an icon on the Desktop. However, it is possible that it has been moved into another folder.
  3. Click on Stop.
  4. Open the Notepad application of your computer as the administrator. To do this, simply right-click on the Notepad iconand click on Run as administrator.
  5. Click on File and Open in Notepad.
  6. Access the sync service installation folder called SyncAcomba. Normally the folder will be in ProgramFiles(x86) and will have a subfolder called SyncAcomba_XXXX (where XXXX is the name of your company).
  7. The Notepad will only be able to read .txt files, but you can specify to show all file types. Once done, you should be able to find a file called SyncAcomba.ini. Open it.
  8. In this file, there should be a line containing the term resetacomba=0. Replace the 0 with a 1.
  9. Save and close the SyncAcomba.ini file.
  10. Return to the sync service called SyncAcomba and click on Start.
  11. If the sync ends without an error message, then your sync service is repaired. If, however, the error message is still there or there is a new one, repeat steps 1 to 10, but replace the 0 (in step 8) with the number 2 instead of the number 1.

If the problem persists despite these operations, please send an email to support@centrix.one.

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