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How to manage permissions?

How to give permission to export a list of contacts? #

  1. Click on Settings module
  2. Click on User groups and permissions tab
  3. Choose the appropriate role
  4. Click on Contacts section
  5. Check the Read and Write boxes for Export function
  6. Click on Save

How to give permission to export a list of accounts? #

  1. Click on Settings module
  2. Click on User groups and permissions tab
  3. Choose the appropriate role
  4. Click on Accounts section
  5. Check the Read and Write boxes for Export function
  6. Click on Save

How to give permission to reassign an opportunity? #

  1. Click on Settings module
  2. Click on the relevant user to check the role assigned to them
  3. Click the X icon to close the window
  4. Click on the User Groups and Permissions tab
  5. Select the appropriate user group (role)
  6. Click on the Opportunities section
  7. Check the Write box for the Opportunity Reassignment function
  8. Click on Save

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